IMA's Implementing Organizational Changes at Speed Blog

Best Practice Change Management Methodology: Build Agent Capacity

Written by Paula Alsher | Thu, Mar 01, 2012 @ 03:26 PM

The second critical element of a best practice change management methodology is to build the capacity of your agents of change.  While this may sound obvious, and simple, the fact is that many organizations don't take a systematic approach to building capacity.  This is largely because there isn't a system-wide view of where the change agents are needed! 

A change management methodology isn't effective if it is just focused on theoretical concepts.  The hard work of implementation requires a practical approach to implementation. It's all about execution. 

Remember, too, that implementation takes place at the local level.  So if your change management methodology doesn't provide tools for identifying the right people for the role of change agents, and you don't have a systematic way to ensure you have the right numbers of change agents, in the right places, you are going to miss a critical element of successful change.

One of the reasons why people appreciate the practicality of the Accelerating Implementation Methodology (AIM) is the key role mapping done for every change.  This is a visual depiction of the organization where we plot where sponsors and change agents are needed.

A common mistake is that change agents are selected based on who is available or who is the most technically knowledgeable rather than on who has the right skills.  The best people are usually snapped up in a nano-second and so overloaded because everyone knows that they deliver! 

Here are some things to look for in identifying your change agents:

1.  Do they have trust and credibility with sponsors and targets?

2.  Do they know how to use power and influence?

3.  Are they able to set goals and achieve them in a very unstructured situation?

Right numbers, Right skills, Right places-- how does your change management methdology measure up when it comes to building agent capacity?