IMA's Implementing Organizational Changes at Speed Blog

Top 10 Reasons You Don’t Want to Miss an AIM Certification Program

Written by Paula Alsher | Thu, Jun 16, 2016 @ 02:50 PM

How to Change the Way Your Organization Changes 

How do you change the way your organization implements strategic initiatives?  Surely there is a way to get change projects done faster, and more successfully! Yes, there is a way to do these projects better.  And you can start on that path by attending an AIM Accreditation Program.  

Why, you ask?  Here is our 10 top list of reasons YOU should attend! 


You want to learn tips, strategies and tactics from a global change management expert, Don Harrison, who also is the developer of the AIM change framework.  How cool is that?  You work with the person who actually created this stuff!


You are working on a huge project and this one is too big to fail!  You can’t afford to pretend that the “people-side” of this project doesn’t have risks but you aren’t exactly sure what they all are, and what to do about them. 


You’ve heard a lot about change management but what you’ve seen before is theoretical mumbo jumbo.  Prepare to be amazed by how wrong you have been.


If insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results, well, your organization’s mental state is a little questionable.  Is there really a different way?


You are looking for a high-impact change management approach that isn’t rigid or linear like what you have seen before.  Been there, done that, and it didn’t work for the complexity of what you’ve got going.


You heard from a friend who is Accredited that this program is awesome.  Your friend is always right.


You are a Lean process improvement pro and you know that understanding the problem is important, but you have to be able to implement the solution too.  Wow—a process for the human side would be fantastic! 


You’ve seen AIM at work, literally and figuratively.  This is a bandwagon you want to jump on.


Your organization has so many change projects that you are running all day, every day like those little hamsters on the wheel that keep moving without going anywhere.  No, we haven’t been to your organization, but we can show you how you can stop the madness!


You’ve heard Don Harrison tells great stories, is a funny guy, but that you will also learn more in 4 days than you can even imagine.  If people say this is a “life-changing” learning experience, you want to Register Now!!


Sometimes people mistakenly think this stuff is just for HR or OD/Change professionals.  Ah, not true.  In fact, if you are an IT Leader, Learning Leader, Project Management Professional, Organizational Effectiveness Professional, or Senior Manager you will view the world of change much differently after these 4 days.  And you will learn by doing on your own project.

AIM Accreditation provides a graduate-level deep dive into the Accelerating Implementation Methodology (AIM) so you leave with a repeatable change process.  You also receive PDU’s and QEP hours if you need those!    

4 days to change enlightenment!  So practical, so worth it!



"AIM provides you with a methodology for your change process. Most people leave out critical steps that would ensure the success of their change implementation. This course highlights those key areas and lays out practical management tools that will assist you." – KL National Sales Manager; Global Pharma

“AIM accreditation sets practitioners up to be able to effectively use the tools and ideas. It is based on decades of real-world experience and is taught in a manner that imparts practical skills in its use. AIM skills will increase the effectiveness of your projects.”EM Process Engineer; Regional Health System

 Watch this short video about why AIM Accreditation is so powerful