Culture Change 

Change Management and Culture Change

The Biggest Challenge Isn’t Figuring Out the Right Things to Do—It’s Making the Right Things Happen. 

Who doesn’t want innovation or collaboration to be in the DNA of their organization?  Who doesn’t care about quality? All highly admirable attributes, but they are difficult to implement. Know this:  if there’s a direct conflict between a change and your current culture, your culture will prevail.   

The greater the gap between current and desired culture, the greater the challenge. Sustained culture change takes:

  • A singular, structured implementation framework (yes, AIM) including measurement diagnostics that highlight risks and demonstrate progress
  • A project approach instead of attempts to alter the “general ethos”
  • A clear definition of the requisite new behaviors for each impacted area
  • Strong Sponsorship from leaders who understand their role, and demonstrate commitment every single day consistent with the new culture
  • Involvement at the local level in how the change is implemented, supported by skilled Change Agents
  • New Reinforcements that match new performance expectations

Avoid spending years and untold resources in vain attempts at culture change. We have the process, the tools, and the expertise to guide you to implementation success.

Few will deny the value of innovation, collaboration, best practices, operational excellence or a myriad of other culture changes. Many have tried and failed.  We’ll make sure you’re a winner.

We Give You the Know-How to Get Change Done. Fast.

Power Your Change with AIM

Why Choose AIM?

  • “The thought leadership that Don Harrison and IMA bring to the domain of project implementation, especially in relation to the role that Sponsors play in project success and the assessment tools that are available to define the gap that exists between current and future culture, is in my experience, unique.”


    --Global General Manager, HR  (former)


  • "Having led change management for several Fortune companies, I have reviewed and used multiple change management models. The best one that I have used, and that has moved the change needle the farthest, is the AIM approach from IMA. No model gets to the heart of change quicker and produces the actual business results quicker. Well worth the investment as it helps to shape the culture as it up-skills the organization."


    --Director, Leadership and O.D.(former), Specialty Retail

  • “Your assistance truly was invaluable.  We faced tremendous resistance to change, and we just could not have been so successful without you.”

    --Life Sciences, Global Pharma

  • “I am very impressed with your model and the emphasis on installation versus implementation. I have been involved with several change efforts where the reinforcement was not built into the design and we were left with an installation and lack of ROI. I have taught another well-known CM methodology at my company but again it falls short and lacks the reinforcement piece.”

    --Financial Services

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Build Internal Capacity with Change Management Training

IMA's Change Management Training Programs focus on building your capacity to apply the AIM change management model to enterprise-wide changes involving innovation, collaboration and culture change. Bring your own project and work real-time while you learn.

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Managing Culture Change with AIM

Speed Implementation with Change Management Consulting 

IMA's Change Management Consultants can work side-by-side with your team to accelerate your learning. We coach you in completing key change management deliverables while you build your internal capacity to apply AIM to this culture change as well as to future projects.

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Are You Ready to Power Your Change with AIM ?

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