One of the benefits of the Accelerating Implementation Methodology (AIM) is that it operationalizes many of the theoretical prescriptions you will find in other change management methodologies.
You can predict the impact of a change in advance and anticipate the level of resistance from various target groups. Once you know the likely level of resistance, you can put strategies and tactics in place to management that resistance pro-actively.
This is extremely useful for managers and change agents who are put in the position of building readiness and managing resistance on a daily basis. There are 9 questions that help assess potential levels of resistance from the Targets' "Frame of Reference"-- those people who are most impacted by the change.
The AIM Change Management Methodology identifies these 9 questions as:
1. Does this change have a low perceived need?
2. Are there unclear expectations?
3. Does it have unknown outcomes?
4. Are there negative impacts?
5. Does it seem to be irreversible?
6. Does it have low rewards, and high costs?
7. Will it cause a high-level of disruption?
8. Is there low involvement in how the change will be implemented?
9. Does it imply poor past performance?
One of the guiding principles of AIM is that resistance is a process and must be managed. It can't be combatted, solved, or overcome!
The value of the AIM change management methodology is that it not only asks these questions, it guides you to the actions to take with the answers.