AIM Goes Virtual
AIM Goes Virtual
Who Should be Doing What During a Business Change?
In the implementation of an organizational change, everyone has a role. In fact, many people have more than one role. In the AIM Change Management Methodology, I’ve deemed the Who’s Who of organizational change a “CAST of Characters.” Each of the four roles, Champions, Agents, Sponsors and Targets has a specific job to do:
The Difference Between Change Management and Project Management
When I discuss the blending of project management and change management during IMA’s AIM Change Management Training sessions, inevitably someone always asks, “but aren’t they the same thing?” While in a perfect world we would see project management and change management as one blended protocol, there are several fundamental differences between the two disciplines. Individually, each plays a critically important role in the success of a project, but when blended from the beginning, they will help to ensure ROI is achieved. A much more valuable metric in my (not so) humble opinion.
Leading People Through Business Changes: The AIM Methodology Explained
Business changes come in all sizes. Some are limited to a few small, procedural modifications while others will completely transform your organization. But no matter what size change you are working on, employing a structured change management methodology is key if you want to ensure return on investment.
What to Look for When Choosing a Change Management Training Program
I recently did a quick google search on the words “Change Management Training” and was shocked to see the number of options that came up. The marketplace is, in fact, filled with countless choices. There were even sites that filtered the options for you. Find the right change management training now!
5 Warning Signs Your Change Project May Be in Trouble
Between Healthcare and Business Transformation, the amount of money currently being spent on organizational change is staggering. Unfortunately, as the amount of money being spent on transformation continues to rise so do the number of unsuccessful implementations. Recent studies confirm only 25-30% of all business changes achieve full benefit realization. Yes, you read that correctly.
Communication During Change is Important, But It’s Not Enough!
Tell me if this sounds familiar. Your organization is getting ready for a major change. The “go-live” date is drawing near, and someone says, “Oh wait! We need to do change management!” Someone else says, “Don’t worry, we’ve got that covered. A mass email is going out next week, the website will go live right after that and there will be several social media posts as well.” Excellent. They definitely have that covered. I’m sure this change will be very successful (insert eye roll here).
Sustainable Change: A Guide to Making Change Stick!
I think we can probably all agree the rate of change has increased exponentially over the past few years. Every organization I know (whether it be in business or in healthcare) is working at the speed of light striving to get a competitive advantage, improve their market share, make their operations efficient all while increasing their shareholders’ returns. In order to make all these things happen simultaneously, Senior leaders are attempting multiple complex, large-scale changes at a somewhat alarming rate. No wonder the level of stress across organizations is so high!
The Value of AIM Change Management Certification
There is an ongoing debate in the world of Change Management on the merits of being “certified.” Some will argue there is no certification in the world that can adequately prepare you for the daily ins and outs of the job. The other side of the argument will point out you cannot possibly understand change management without a foundation in its principles.
New Year. New Blog. And...a New Approach to Change Management
Like so many of you who read our blog on a weekly basis, IMA is facing a major change. As you may already know our Vice President of Client Solutions, Paula Alsher, retired at the end of 2018. A bittersweet time for us as we are thrilled to hear Paula is already enjoying a peaceful and relaxing retirement, but a challenging transition for our small company as she did so much for us on a day-to-day basis.
Posts by Topic
- Change Management Methodology (89)
- Accelerating Implementation Methodology (AIM) (75)
- Transformational Change (60)
- Change Agents (56)
- Sponsorship (50)
- Leadership (45)
- Value Realization/ROI (40)
- Change Management Consulting (37)
- Comparing Change Management Methodologies (31)
- Culture (29)
- Project Management (28)
- Resistance to change (28)
- Change Readiness (24)
- Installation vs. Implementation (23)
- Barriers to Change (22)
- Enterprise-wide Change (22)
- Implementation Planning (19)
- Reinforcement (14)
- Change Management Training (11)
- Communication (9)
- Healthcare and Electronic Medical Records (9)
- Software/Technology Implementation (9)
- Assessing the Change Climate (8)
- Innovation (8)
- Lean/Six Sigma (7)
- Mergers & Acquisitions (4)
- Shared Services (3)