Change Management Models:  Build or Buy?

Posted by Paula Alsher on Thu, Aug 30, 2018 @ 12:00 PM

There are a lot of choices when it comes to change management models. On the surface, many of them look pretty similar. For example, most change management methodologies are founded on behavioral science research concepts in areas like human motivation. They include tools and templates for project teams to use in implementation. Some of these frameworks are home-grown, combining a “mish mosh” of several well-known frameworks; a little AIM here, some ADKAR model there and a dash of Kotter over here. The Value of One Change Management Model

Why not just let everyone pick what they personally like? Why even have an enterprise-wide change approach? How do you make a choice? And why license a methodology rather than just combine from multiple sources (besides the fact that this violates intellectual property rights)?


Why One Approach?

Organizations fundamentally understand that it is inefficient to have multiple financial systems or operational processes. The same is true in the change management world; speed and efficiency come from an agreed upon change process, with one vocabulary and one set of tools and templates. When everyone from leaders to IT to project management to continuous improvement to HR all follow the same approach, there is a common understanding on key areas such as Success Metrics, Sponsorship and Readiness.

When you combine change management models from a “mish mosh,” there is no connection between vocabulary, process or tools. Each project starts with a blank slate and some projects end up with no change process at all. In an era when organizations have too many projects chasing too few skilled resources, you can’t afford to have project teams that are not all on the same page from the start. It takes too long and it costs too much. So, while on the surface it may look more expensive to invest in a change management model, the benefits you derive more than pay for the cost.


The AIM Change Management Methodology Focuses on Speed and Value Realization

The time your Sponsors and Change Agents spend on implementation must be laser-focused on what really moves the dial in getting change implemented quickly and to full value. Those, in fact, are the drivers for the AIM Change Management Methodology.

AIM is an integrated system built around 10 core principles that guide you to achieve value realization for strategic investments. Each of the principles is supported by integrated deliverables, tools, strategies, tactics and measurement diagnostics that serve as a “risk dashboard” for the people side of projects.

AIM is different because it is a fit for purpose system that is entirely scalable for even the most complex change; all of the parts fit together. There is role based training that meets differing needs of Sponsors, Change Agents and even the Targets of change. It is designed to be unbundled and blended with your project management protocol, continuous improvement, strategic planning and other critical functions. The process guides you in targeting your limited resources to gain maximum benefit – at speed.


Licensing the Rights to the AIM Change Management Methodology

Don Harrison, the developer of the AIM methodology, has spent the better part of the past 35+ years consulting to global organizations on complex, real world changes. AIM is the product of his field research and is the intellectual property of IMA.

The good news is you don’t have to spend 35 years building your own framework; your organization can purchase an all-access license to the methodology. Licensing the methodology allows you to employ a best practice framework that builds your capacity to implement strategic changes faster and at a higher level of quality. Below are just a few of the many benefits to licensing:

  • One Common Language Across the Organization – A license provides you with one vocabulary and a common set of deliverables, principles, strategies and tactics across your organization. AIM becomes the way work gets done--a unified, standard that provides one way to implement all your changes.
  • Customization – When you own the rights to the methodology you can tailor it to your organization’s culture, create derivative works that include AIM elements and brand the methodology as your company’s own change management framework. You can brand the materials with your logo so it becomes your change approach.
  • Certified Instructors Can Teach the Methodology Internally – We offer several public Train the Trainer sessions each year for licensed organizations who would like to teach the methodology internally. We can also come on-site and certify several instructors at one time. Once certified, these instructors can purchase the AIM materials (at a discount) and run the session for Sponsors and Change Agents within your organization. You can build your own capability independent of external consultants.
  • Access to AIM’s Online Toolkit and Materials – Anyone in a licensed organization can access electronic versions of the AIM tools, templates and manuals through a password protected portal on IMA’s website. Your license also allows you to reproduce the materials for internal use.
  • Easy Integration with Other Business Protocols – Licensing AIM makes the process of integrating the methodology into any other business protocols you may be using, such as Lean/Six Sigma, leadership development, quality training, safety training, etc. simple and straight forward.

One methodology makes good sense when speed and efficiency are so critical. Licensing the methodology gives your organization complete access to the benefits of this Next Generation Change Management approach, while allowing you to make it your own. Contact us today for more information on our licensing options.

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Topics: Change Management Methodology, Accelerating Implementation Methodology (AIM), Comparing Change Management Methodologies