How to Build Personal and Organizational Capability for Next Generation Change Management

Posted by Paula Alsher on Thu, Aug 02, 2018 @ 02:03 PM

Watch This Quick Video Recap:

Recently we’ve talked a lot about the importance of shifting from traditional to Next Generation Change Management. NextGen Change Management is about achieving business outcomes, and utilizing your limited Building Change Capacityresources to get maximum benefit in the shortest amount of time. It’s a shift from change management “activity” to change management “impact.” 

If you agree that change management must be more business focused and impact based, then how do you get from here to there? The first step to building both personal and organizational capability is to attend our signature AIM Accreditation session. When you become certified in the AIM Change Management Methodology, you leave with a new way of approaching this work that’s the first step to making a real impact on the bottom line.

The Value of Change Management Certification

Some people who have attended other change certifications may question the value of being certified in AIM. Others are already certified in protocols like Lean/Six Sigma or project management or IT. Some have no formal training. So why add on this professional certification? Well, why go on to graduate school if you already have a 4 year degree?

Simply put, AIM is a more sophisticated approach—not more complex, but different. It is built around a set of 10 core principles designed to guide you in knowing what to do and when to do it to achieve value realization for strategic investments. It emphasizes a fit for purpose approach that uses personal judgment (based on principles) to determine which strategies and tactics are needed in the moment, reflecting the cyclical and iterative nature of change itself.

Accreditation gives you the principles, strategies, tools, and tactics to analyze and mitigate the key risks on the people side of a change for any type of project, no matter how complex, under any conditions you face. Sample topics learned during an Accreditation session include:

After a 4-day deep dive into the AIM methodology you will leave with immediately usable deliverables for the people side of your project, including:

  • A proven approach to get Sponsors to do what you need for long-term success
  • A Key Role Map indicating where you will need Sponsors and Agents, and how many
  • A Sponsor Assessment for your project
  • Other Measurement tools that give you actionable data

How to Build Capability

The greatest impact comes when you build a “change mindset” across the organization. So it’s ideal for us to come on-site and Accredit a group of people, all of whom bring real projects to work on. In an on-site, we tailor the session to your organization and your projects. But we know an on-site isn’t always possible, so we also offer a few public sessions each year. 

We’ve certified close to 3,000 people globally in AIM. Don Harrison, the developer of AIM, teaches the majority of the Accreditation sessions, giving you the unique chance to work directly with Don, a world-renowned change management expert. You also earn PMP continuing education units or QEP hours for the ACMP certification.


Don’t Take it from Us

As a Next Generation Change Agent, you’ll change project results when you change what you spend your time on. Here’s what recent AIM Graduates had to say about the Accreditation session:

  • “Having led change management for several Fortune 500 companies, I have reviewed and used multiple change management models. The best one that I have used, and that has moved the change needle the farthest, is AIM. No model produces actual business results faster.” - J.B. Director, OD, Retail
  • “The AIM Accreditation has done wonders for me and opened up many new horizons. My perception of change management has changed big time after working with Don Harrison.” – Z.A. Manager, Energy Services
  • “I really like the practical/real-world/outcome orientation of AIM. The training this week made the challenges I face on my main delivery program, especially around Sponsorship, crystal clear.” - A.M. Program Management Technology

Still in doubt? Listen to one of our Accreditation graduates tell you why this was a life-changing professional development experience:



Being AIM Accredited puts you on the path toward reaching full value realization for all of your organization’s change activities. For more information, visit

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Topics: Accelerating Implementation Methodology (AIM), Comparing Change Management Methodologies, Change Management Training