Why Change Management Consulting Drives EPMO Value Realization

by Paula Alsher on Tue, Oct 23, 2012 @ 12:19 PM

One of the common strategic changes we see in our change management consulting is the attempt to implement EPMOs (Enterprise Program Management Offices.)  Why the interest in EPMOs?  What problem is the EPMO trying to solve? For many organizations, the establishment of an EPMO is an attempt to drive greater collaboration across the enterprise and overcome the traditional silos.  This is an admirable objective, but what does it take from a change management consulting perspective? 

Enterprise-wide Change: Are You Installing or Implementing?

by Paula Alsher on Fri, Aug 17, 2012 @ 08:53 AM

What's the end-goal for your enterprise-wide change? That may seem like an obvious question, but it's really not!  In our thirty-plus years of change management consulting we've observed a common pattern of "premature project completion"  across all types of organizational changes, including enterprise-wide change.